Thursday 6 February 2020


We are going to speak about warm up, warm up consists in a series of exercises wich you do before physical activity. Yo do it because it decrease the riks of injuries and get better performance in the activity you will do. It is divide in trhee main parts and all are very important. Now we are going to explain they and with an example of how can we do it.

                                       Lets start with joint mobility
          Your joints are spectaculars things. With they you can do a lot of ample movements . Joints are the places in your body where two bones meet. To train it we have to move all the joints, it is better if you do it in order because you can forget one exercise!

          My next point is activation. The objective is to activate the cardiovascular and respiratory sytem. In this case to train it we have to do short run, exercises with your legs and arms… we can play a game, for example the chains, in spanish las cadenas, in this game one person is it and the other have to escape, if it touche one person, he or she becomes it and they have to hold their hands and intent to touch the other people, the last person who became it win the game.

         And the last part at the warm up is stretching, the objective is to maintain your elasticity of the muscle (quads,hamstrings, calves,pecs back, muscles…). You must hold each stretching around 15-20 seconds.

         When you do this you can start to do the activity, and it is all, thanks for listening us and we hope you like it.

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